NMSU’s Department of Family and Consumer Sciences is now home to the Anna, Age Eight Institute, which seeks to prevent adverse childhood experiences among New Mexico’s children.
Under an agreement with Northern New Mexico College, where the institute was established in 2019, NMSU is the institute’s new home, allowing for the institute to work with NMSU’s Cooperative Extension Service infrastructure to expand its services throughout the state.
“We are pleased to welcome the Anna, Age Eight Institute to its new home here at NMSU,” says NMSU President John Floros. “The move will allow the institute to build on the good work that began at Northern New Mexico College to create a statewide network to support children and their families experiencing trauma and social adversity.”
Anna, Age Eight Institute uses a data-driven process focused on building the capacity of local government, non-governmental agencies and the business sector to provide the surviving and thriving services that community members need to strengthen health, safety and resilience.
For more information about the institute, visit annaageeight.org.
Anna, Age Eight Institute co-directors Katherine Ortega Courtney (left) and Dominic Cappello. NMSU is now home to the institute.
Dove Hall, Room 212
305 N. Horseshoe Drive
Las Cruces, NM 88003